TPT2000 is a complex RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) expressly designed to be used in High to Medium Voltage substations.
It performs control and supervision operations, sampling information from field equipment like breakers, transformers, protection devices, auxiliary services, etc. It can also carry out commands instructed by the central system.
TPT2000 is housed in a metallic box whose dimensions are 2000x600x600 mm and it includes 4 Input / Output modules,
a processing unit and a 24Vcc ±20 power supplier. The field interface is realized with 48 connectors located on the back panel of the TPT2000 enclosure, where also cable supports are located.
Main functionalities
- Digital signals and analogue measures acquisition
- Execution of local correlation processing to produce summary virtual events to be sent to the central system
- Stand-alone performing of local automation sequences
- Commands execution
- Data storage and events chronological recording management
- Electrical loads management
- Different communication carriers over LAN and/or WAN
- Self-diagnostic available through a resident Web Server
For further information, please download our technical data sheet (DOWNLOAD AREA, left sidebar)
- 1000 digital galvanically insulated inputs, with 10 msec sample rate
- 220 relay commands: nominal current 5A, breaking power 0,2A at 110 Vcc with L/R=40msec
- 72 analogic insulated inputs: ± 5mA and 4.20mA
- Optical Ethernet port 100BaseFx
- Ethernet port 100BaseT
- 2 serial ports V.24
- 1 serial port RS232: auxiliary port
- 1 serial insulated port RS485
- 1 GPS interface
Communication interfaces
TPT2000 can establish a communication with the Central System using Ethernet interface, switched telephone line, leased line, wireless GSM/GPRS network. Moreover it can collect data from field IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices) using the RS485 bus.
Through the GPS port, TPT2000 can connect with an external GPS (Global Position System) GTS9000 model, for high precision timing synchronization. Without GPS, TPT2000 uses the net service NTP for time synchronization.
Configuration software
The TPT2000 device is completely programmable and configurable. For this purpose, a dedicated application software, executable in Windows© OS, is provided with the device.
Through a user-friendly graphical interface, the user can populate the whole substation with all its elements: transformers, breakers, etc. All Input / Output attributes can be defined for each element. The program can also show the substation schematic diagram. Once the new substation configuration is ready, it can be saved and uploaded on the TPT2000 via network connection.
For further information, please download our technical data sheet (DOWNLOAD AREA, left sidebar)
Please download our technical data sheet.
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