TeamWare has obtained at PSL Power Standards Lab laboratories of Alameda USA the Class A certification according to IEC61000-4-30 and the Class F1 flickermeter certification according to IEC61000-4-15 for its power quality analyzers series Wally-A RTU. The certification testing has been performed in compliance with IEC 62586-2 Ed. 2.0.
Edition 3 cancels and replaces the Ed2 published in 2008 and has introduced methods for measuring rapid voltage changes (RVC), currents (amplitude, harmonics, interharmonics, current recordings during events and unbalance), informative methods to measure in the 2kHz-150kHz frequency band.
This important result, which attests Wally-A series analyzers at the maximum performance and precision level for power quality measurements (PQI-A), confirms TeamWare as a leading-edge provider of products and solutions at the highest market and regulatory standards.