Founded in 1988, TW-TeamWare S.r.l. is a dynamic engineering company, based in Milan, specialized in design and manufacture of instruments and systems for electrical grids monitoring and control.

TW-TeamWare has distinguished itself in particular for innovative solutions developed for responding to the needs of realization of systems of
- industrial processes control
- power factor regulation
- Public areas lighting systems control
- Emergency lighting systems control
- monitoring of physical and environmental parameters
- “energy management” & “billing”
- / power quality analysis
- electric distribution remote control (management of HV/MV and MV/LV substations)
The developments are made in three specialized areas:
Products area
It deals with the development, implementation and marketing of TW-TeamWare brand devices and systems for Power Quality analysis, electrical consumptions monitoring, electric distribution remote control.
Advanced and sophisticated systems are today in place at the main electricity companies in Italy, with thousands of monitored points in MV / HV. There is also a TW-TeamWare’s Power Quality Monitoring System in Israel, with 250 measurement points in particularly severe climatic conditions.
Systems area
It is able to offer its customers a complete service of design and development of products and systems, from feasibility study to prototype development. The design choices, always geared to meet customer requirements, pay particular attention to production costs and operational reliability. TW-TeamWare has acquired advanced knowledge in the application of high technologies in hardware, firmware and software. TW-TeamWare has adequate instrumentation to manage the development of complex projects; furthermore, has the equipment and expertise necessary to carry out verifications of electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety according to reference standards.R&D area
The area staff is engaged in research and development by participating, in collaboration with other companies and academic centers of expertise (Polytechnic of Milan, Bicocca University of Milan, Polytechnic of Crema) at innovative projects, characterized by a high technological content, having relapse in terms of industrial application.TW-TeamWare has a staff of 35 people: hardware engineers, firmware and software designers, systems analysts, laboratory technicians, mechanical engineers and administrative employees.
All company activities are regulated by internal procedures of the Corporate Quality Manual.
TW-TeamWare has obtained quality certifications according to the
ISO 9001:2015 - ISO 14001:2015 - ISO 45001:2018 - ISO 27001:2017 international standards.
Achieving of corporate targets is guaranteed by the high professionalism of the staff, as the result of decades of experience in working with companies operating in advanced technology in measurement, control and automation sectors.
Professional fairness and reliability in relationships with customers are achieved targets.